Sunday, August 3, 2014

First Baseball Match

Last Friday me and some other Visiting Students which lives here in Madison went to watch a baseball game!! It was the Mallards game against ... (forgot the name of the other team haha). At the beginning it was a little boring because it was raining and the game delayed 1 hour. But when it started was really nice! I did not know how the game worked but a friend of us taught. We took some nice pictures with the mascot (duck), and ate some typical foods. We could not stay until the end of the game, nevertheless it was a great experience. Hoping for the next baseball match, on Set 12th, on Milwaukee!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Great Friday

On the last Friday, I and some friends went to the Nitty Gritty Bar here in Madison. It was a friend's birthday, then we went there to celebrate it. The night was great and we had a very good moment; we talked and laughed a lot. Later, after eating some sides, we decided to go to another party. There, we listened to good musics and danced too. I think, since I came to Madison, it was my best weekend. 

Memorial Union terrace

Last Saturday evening, I went to Memorial Union terrace with Japanese friends including Ryo Sakamoto. We had a very great time talking with each other, enjoying beautiful view of Lake Monona and drinking delicious beer. Especially, the view of sunset was beyond description! Cheeseburger was also good and reasonable. Since I drank beer a little much, I had headache on Sunday. So, I could not be in the best for homework…...

20/07 Jhonatt Lima dos Santos

Well, this weekend i had not did anything in special, except by going to the market and buying winter gloves. It's better to be prepared to this winter before it comes, specially because I never experienced a -25C feeling. Oh, almost forgot, that was int he saturday. In the sunday I've spent all the day doing homework and reading a book for Steve's class.

Almost done with 2014/1

I`m really happy today, because my semester in Brazil is almost over. Earlier today I did my last Statistics test, on the test there was only one exercise, or i got 10 or 0, and the another reason I`m happy is because I got a 10! Now there is only 2 more tests on Thursday, and then I`m done with the 2014/1, my 4th semester or second year.
Something interesting I found out is that I`m called Sophomore here in the USA!!
Sorry for being so boring today, but this week everything I can think about is my college in Brazil :(. Bye!

Chinese restaurant

I went to Dumpling Haus for dinner on Sunday. This is a Chinese restaurant located at the Hilldale Mall. Actually, I went there on July 4, but the store was closed. So, I was really looking forward to enjoy dumplings, which are one of my favorite Chinese food. However, I could not enjoy it because the store was closed again ! An old lady in the store said to me, "our closing hour is 6 pm and now is 6:05 pm. I'm sorry." I was very surprised and asked her to allow me to enter the store because it passed only 5 minutes. But, she didn't... I got a little angry about her stubbornness, but I still want to enjoy dumplings near soon. And, I remembered that one of good points about Japanese is to be punctual.
Allen Centennial Garden? I found it!

On Friday, it was the birthday of a friend, so we went to Nitty Gritty to celebrate it. It was the first time that I went there, and I it was very different that I believed it would be. The place is very nice! On Saturday, I went to Maxwell Street Days. I bought some T-shirts from the University to my family and one to me. The T-shirt that I bought to me was only one dollar. Very cheap!!! Afterwards, I ate an ice cream in Forever Yogurt. It was really delicious! I walked through a path near Mendota Terrace, and I went to Allen Centennial Gardens. I did not know about that place. It is beautiful! At night, I bought my tickets to my summer trip. On Sunday, I went to church, had lunch with my friends, and went to James Madison Park to see the sunset. The place is very peaceful and the scenery is amazing!